How The Site Works
My readers often ask me how I can afford to continue to run such a useful site. Well, the simple fact of the matter is that this site earns its income from payments made by the retailers for passing customers on to them who then go on to place an order. Customer referrals are identified through the use of an affiliate link, which effectively carries the identity of this site.
However, there are a few things that you should know about this arrangement:
- The commission paid by the retailer never affects the price that the customer is charged as it is paid for out of the retailer’s marketing budget. To put this another way, whether you click through to the retailer via an affiliate link on this site or you go direct to the retailer the price advertised to you, the customer, is exactly the same.
- Whenever it is possible to provide an affiliate link to a particular retailer, Reestit Mutton also provides a clearly marked non-affiliate link alongside it. Reestit Mutton is unique among price comparison services in offering this level of choice and clarity to its users.
- Unlike many price comparison services, retailers are not required to pay commissions for them to be included on the site. Afterall, a best-value product is still best value for the consumer even if it doesn’t earn this site a penny to say so.
Of course, if everyone chooses to use the non-affiliate links provided on this site then the site will become uneconomic to run. In providing a choice, Reestit Mutton simply trusts that enough people will want this site to continue to exist and choose to use the affiliate links whenever possible.